Venture Financing Roundtable Reminder Online November 4, 2003
Featured Program
Seattle University
Entrepreneurship Center Presents
Venture Financing Roundtable
Program Calendar

  • Nov. 18, 2003
    Valuation & Term Sheet Math
    Steve Kelley, Summit Law Group
    Mark Mitchell, Clothier & Head

  • Dec. 2, 2003 - Holiday Party
    Lynne Twist, "Soul of Money"

  • Dec. 16, 2003 - Save the date!

  • The Venture Assessment
    A Full Day Team Building Discovery Workshop
    Learn to Assess Venture Deals Using Tools

  • Friday: Nov. 21, 2003
  • 8 AM - 5 PM

    For program overview, see the
    Fall Newsletter
  • Join us!    Tuesday November 4, 2003                                        Register Now

    The Venture Financing Roundtable
    A 3-Hour Venture Financing Conversation and Networking Program
    For Entrepreneur Executives, Professionals, Venture Investors & Lenders.

    Last Week's Results:
    The last program featured VC, Kent Johnson, Alexander Hutton Venture Partners.

    • Dr. Harriet Stephenson, provided a Welcome!
    • Warner Wong, provided his perspective

    The participants expressed their opinions:
    • Steve Kahle, President. Infabric Technologies - "A much more profitable time for me"
    • Team 2 - "Gives you the perspective of the Investor."

    Tuesday November 4, 2003
  • Next Program: SBIR Funding Sources for Technology Projects
    Tab Wilkins, Washington Technology Center

    "If your company is developing products or processes using technology, then your time to market, and hence your financing needs may be greater than for many other types of firms. You may need to locate and work with outside sources of funding. This program is aimed at helping you understand what some of your options are, and how you might go about pursuing them.

    Venture Capitalist's and Angel Investors are typically interested in rates of return that allow them to obtain significant increases in their investments within a 5 year timeframe. Government related funding is more interested in job and business development as opposed to their own direct return. However in both situations, the case has to be made clear to the potential funder as to how their return will be achieved.

    The goal of the session is to help people who are working with technology-related products, either those who are developing technology products, or who are using technology as an enabler (i.e. simulated surgery for example) refine their approach to business development. The participants will have an opportunity to evaluate their funding options among a variety of sources depending upon their business goals and plan.

    We limit seating to 30, so you can have a personal conversation with a very successful investor and executive peer network.
    Fee: $45 in advance until Monday, 10.31.03 - $60 thereafter
    Contact me if you have any questions. - Rob

    Industry Expert
    • Rob Enderle, Enderle Group " How to choose the winners"      Opinion: Venlogic Value Proposition

    Venture Investors
    • Elizabeth Morgan, Associate, Voyager Capital. Video Commentary      Voyager Helping Out
    • Roger Girard, Private Investor - "Two years from now this will be the way it'll be done."
       Value Proposition:  "An Invaluable Asset" for the investment community
    • Gary Ritner, Co-Founder, Puget Sound Venture Club - "The best deal in town"

    • Team 1 Experience - "We worked together." "It was tough."   "The value is absolutely there."
    Team 2 Experience - "This environment is great." "Honest reactions." "Experts really helped us."
    • Christian Weber, All Res/Liquisite Development - "I'm very very impressed."
    • Sudesh Kothari, Ph. D., CEO,Creative Gene Therapeutics Corp. Value Proposition
    • Britt McKee, Chief Information Officer, Esiod Systems Value Proposition

    Solution Partners
    • Deborah Werner, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management VP - "Fabulous Exercise."
    • Gary Fowler, Chief Financial Officer, Intra Technologies, Inc. Value Proposition

    Program Host
    • Robert Kruse, VenLogic Assessment Tools.
  • You Will Get:

    • Smarter. Learn what worked and what didn't work.
    • Tool handouts & demonstrations
    • Personal Introductions to Experts
    • Discuss real funding issues and strategies.

    • Executive Level Overview
    • State-of-the-market Insights
    • Peer environment & relationships

    • Tuesday November 4, 2003
    • 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    • Fee: $45 in advance, $60 at the door. Register Now

    • Register early. Seating limited to 30. Light refreshments served.
      Download Program Brochure (PDF)

    Seattle University, The Casey Building (5th floor - see map PDF)
    "An Executive Conference Center Facility"
    Presented by: