Venture Financing Roundtable Reminder Online January 20, 2004
Featured Program
Venture Financing Roundtable

Hosted at Seattle University

• View the photos from the December program and Holiday Party.

Program Calendar

2004 Roundtable Dates!
  • Feb. 3, 2003
  • Feb. 17, 2003

  • Venture Financing Tools
    Hands-On Workshop

    A 2-Day Working Program

    Solve critical problems in 2 days.
    Learn to Assess Venture Deals Using 9 Tools
    Learn to Build your Funding Action Plan

    2-Day Workshop Overview

    The Venture Financing Roundtable 2004

    Coming Tuesday, January 20, 2004

    Register Now - Tickets are selling.

    Title: The G.P’s Value Proposition to the L.P.

    Jay Powers G.P., Bear Creek Venture Partners
    Stephen Handley, L.P.

    Live Venture Consulting: 5:30 to 7pm "on the white boards"
    Speaker Presentations: 7pm to 9pm

    Come and witness Jay (GP) present his successful fund raising presentation from one of his fund's investors Steve. Then, watch Steve (LP) critque why he chose Jay's fund over others. Learn how the pros raise capital for early stage deals in tough times.

    Forbes recently predicted that 75% of today's venture capital firms will not exist five years from now. This shines a spotlight on how investors create value that attracts their investors as Limited Partners in new venture investments.

    No entrepreneur wants to get a call that their venture investor just went out of business and their equity is being sold off to a roll up or to a secondary fund to be managed by a group of strangers. Nothing could be more critical to the entrepreneur than knowing their investor's business model is sound and that they've selected the smart money to get them to the promised land.

    In a market where the temptation is to take the first reasonable investor that comes along, the entrepreneur has a fiduciary responsibility to the existing shareholders to do their homework. Likewise, limited partner (LP) investors into venture funds perform similar due diligence before writing a check to be managed by their general partners (GP). The savvy entrepreneur not only understands the technical terms of venture deals, but also understands how to discern between funds like a LP before committing to the relationship.

    Please join us for this rare opportunity to hear from Jay Powers GP with Bear Creek Venture Partners, present their firm's value proposition as it is told to attract LP investors into their fund. Learn how GPs like Jay raise their funds that get placed into entrepreneur deals. Next, participate in an interactive Q & A session as a seasoned LP, Stephen Handley, discusses how he would select one fund over others. Come away with a deeper understanding of exactly where the capital that drives early stage ventures comes from and how to use this new wisdom to choose the right investor for your company.

    This program will likely sell out, so please register in advance.
    - Call me if you have questions. Rob

    Memo from Robert Kruse, Managing Partner VenLogic LLC
      Wanted: Sustainable Regional Advantage.

    Robert's letter to the editor was accepted in response to a recent article in Puget Sound Business Journal.

    Venture Financing Roundtable - 2003 Highlights Video

    Coming February 3, 2004                 Register Now

    Title: The Link between Valuation, Strategic Planning, and Managerial Talent for Startup Firms

    Small Business Valuations: How to assign Asset Value to the Intangible Characteristics of a Startup

    Dr. David Andrade, Andrade Economic Consulting, Inc.
    Colleen Aylward, President, Devon James Associates, Inc.

    Valuation is viewed as a necessary but problematic task associated with sourcing financial capital or signing management talent. The reason for this is that valuation models and associated financial statements for mature businesses are often not appropriate for startup firms; startup firm investments consist mostly of intangible assets, in contrast to tangible assets. Anecdotal evidence shows that the various audiences who look at startup valuation models and associated financial statements often ignore their details or view the results with suspicion, but acknowledge their importance.

    This presentation will show exactly why this suspicion is warranted. The traditional valuation models and financial statements often do not link how the startup firm management team will adjust their strategic business plan in response to changing market conditions; this is often overlooked by entrepreneurs, investors and solution providers. The more appropriate framework for valuing startup firm investments is to apply dynamic modeling of strategic value and show various possibilities for how the management team will be required to make adjustments in order to steward the investment toward its optimal valuation and return. This approach highlights the importance of managerial talent as being an essential asset needed to achieve optimal investment valuation and return.

    The presentation begins by showing how to explicitly link the strategic business plan to the valuation models and financial statements and how to correctly interpret this information. A case study will then be presented in order to provide the audience with explicit guidelines for improving their existing financial projections and valuation models.

    Coming in Spring 2004 - Seattle University Business Plan Competition
    SU Students & Alumni compete to win $10,000

    VenLogic Programs focus on coaching the candiates. Coming in March.

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